Born in Cambridge, England, Anne Stevenson moved between the United States and the United Kingdom numerous times during the first half of her life. While she considers herself an American, Stevenson qualifies her status: “I belong to an America which no longer really exists.” Since 1962 she has lived mainly in the U.K., including Cambridge, Scotland, Oxford, and, most recently, North Wales and Durham. Intersections and borders are common emblems in Stevenson’s work, though the land on which they are drawn is often mutable or shrouded in mist.
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The spirit is too blunt an instrument
to have made this baby.
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could have managed the intricate
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fine meshings of ganglia and vertebrae,
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The Enigma
Falling to sleep last night in a deep crevasse
between one rough dream and another, I seemed,
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and there the familiar enigma presented itself
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