By Padma Venkatraman
how many long years
this tree waited as a seed
for an animal or bird or wind or rain
to maybe carry it to maybe the right spot
where again it waited months for seasons to change
until time and temperature were fine enough to coax it
to swell and burst its hard shell so it could send slender roots
to clutch at grains of soil and let tender shoots reach toward the sun
Think how many decades or centuries it thickened and climbed and grew
taller and deeper never knowing if it would find enough water or light
or when conditions would be right so it could keep on spreading leaves
adding blossoms and dancing
Next time
you see
a tree
it holds
Source: Poetry (February 2021)
Poet Bio
Padma Venkatraman worked as an oceanographer and diversity director before writing Born Behind Bars (Nancy Paulsen Books, 2021), The Bridge Home (Puffin Books, 2020), and A Time to Dance (Penguin Books, 2015), among others.
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