By Mark Jarman
Dear God, Our Heavenly Father, Gracious Lord,
Mother Love and Maker, Light Divine,
Atomic Fingertip, Cosmic Design,
First Letter of the Alphabet, Last Word,
Mutual Satisfaction, Cash Award,
Auditor Who Approves Our Bottom Line,
Examiner Who Says That We Are Fine,
Oasis That All Sands Are Running Toward.
I can say almost anything about you,
O Big Idea, and with each epithet,
Create new reasons to believe or doubt you,
Black Hole, White Hole, Presidential Jet.
But what’s the anything I must leave out? You
Solve nothing but the problems that I set.
Mark Jarman, Sonnet 1 from Unholy Sonnets. Copyright © 2000 by Mark Jarman. Reprinted with the permission of Story Line Press.
Source: Unholy Sonnets (Story Line Press, 2003)
Poet Bio
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Than the other—into their Sunday dresses.
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From the Sky
When I die,
bury me in the sky—
no one is fighting over it.
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with empty bomb shells
(from the sky I can see them).
A grandmother is baking
her Eid makroota and mamoul
(from the sky I can taste them).
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Wake up, greet the sun, and pray.
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for we have been gifted these ways since the beginning of time.
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