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By Kenyatta Rogers

I never missed that $60,
I could spend it easily.
I can take the stairs,
I have fingers and can use buttons.
Before lightning there should be thunder
and if there’s not, it’s still ok.

It was 2 p.m. and I saw a crane standing in a creek.
It was 3:40 and I saw an owl staring at me.
I rode my bike for 5 hours as I watched a sundial.
When I was fishing
I told every fish sorry,
kissed them on the mouth
and threw them all back.

Think about this:
everything I experience
popped out of my head.

In the afterlife I hope
all of my pets are there.
There is no wrong way to mourn
we’re drinking the same water as the dinosaurs.

I’m a superhero,
a green man
who gets angry,
runs through peoples lives
and destroys everything they own,
insurance doesn’t cover acts of god.

Source: Poetry (March 2021)

  • Social Commentaries

Poet Bio

Kenyatta Rogers
Kenyatta Rogers is a Cave Canem Fellow and has been twice awarded scholarships from the Breadloaf Writers’ Conference. He has also been nominated twice for both Pushcart and Best of the Net prizes, his work has been published in Jubilat, Vinyl, Bat City Review, The Volta and PANK, among others. He is an associate editor of RHINO Poetry and currently serves on the creative writing faculty at the Chicago High School for the Arts. See More By This Poet

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